This is why I recommend translating projects in the rough-cut stage, before effects are applied. Keyframed speed changes are converted to a constant speed change that maintains the duration of the original clip and uses the average speed of the clip.Transform Anchor and Crop (Ken Burns), Stabilization, Rolling Shutter, Spacial Conform.: Premiere can import XML containing multiple sequences, nested sequences, event clips etc. Basically anything that's in a Library or Event. But After Effects and Audition only accept XML with a single sequence and no nested sequences (which means no Compound Clips in your Project). Here's a typical projects in FCP X though short, this can easily illustrate the transfer process. It contains video and audio clips, transitions, titles and captions. To move this project from FCP X, you need to create an XML (e Xtensible Markup Language) file. This contains pointers to all clips, but not the actual media, as well as settings for just about everything in the project file.
Select the project, then choose File > Export XML. In the resulting dialog, give the XML file a name and storage location.